How to add a custom MIME type


In this article you will learn about how to add a custom mime type in cPanel, the reason behind creating it, is to define how the files are processed in the browser.

What is MIME type

it provides the browser with information about how to work with file extensions. MIME types can allow visitors' browsers to deal with new technologies as they become available.


Before doing anything, check the list of MIME types already defined for the website. Adding custom MIME types can easily change how a website works and cause unintended problems.

adding a custom MIME type

  1. Log in to cPanel.
  2. In the ADVANCED section of the cPanel home screen, click MIME Types:
  3. Under Create A MIME Type, in the MIME Type text box, type the MIME type that you want to add. For example, type application/pdf.
  4. In the Extension(s) text box, type the file extension or extensions that you want to add for the MIME type. For example, type mypdf.
  5. Click Add.

Deleting a custom MIME type

To delete a MIME type, click the corresponding Delete link under the Remove heading, and then click Delete MIME Type to confirm that you wish to remove the MIME type.


You cannot delete MIME types from the System MIME Types table.

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Updated on August 17, 2020
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