The following lesson will guide you through the CSR generation process on Web Host Manager (WHM).
What is CSR?
A Certificate Signing Request (CSR code) is a block of encoded text that contains the information about the organization that applies for an SSL certificate, and the domain that needs to be secured. A CSR is what you give to the Certificate Authority to generate your SSL certificate. It is an essential part of obtaining an SSL certificate.
Generate a CSR for Web Host Manager (WHM)
- Log in to WHM.
- In the WHM Home page, click on SSL/TLS.
- In your SSL/TLS Manager page, click Generate an SSL Certificate and Signing Request.
- Fill out the Request Form and click Create.
- Click into the Signing Request text box that’s presented after generation, and copy all of the text (including BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST) and save it for SSL generation.