Whitelist/Blacklist in Professional Spam Filter

One of the most common tasks of a spam blocker; is to allow list (whitelist) and block list (blacklist) email addresses. This helps you customize spam blockers such as Professional Spam Filter to allow or reject specific email addresses. We will learn how to allowlist or blocklist senders and recipients by logging in to Professional Spam Filter control panel.

Add sender to allow list

  1. Log in to your account on the Professional Spam Filter control panel.
  2. From the Incoming – Protection Settings menu, click on Sender allow list icon.
  3. Click on Add allow list sender, in the popup window select the sender address in the allow list and enter either a single email address ([email protected]), an entire domain (example.com) or an entire TLD (*.com).
  4. Click Add button.

Add recipient to allow list

  1. Log in to your account on the Professional Spam Filter control panel.
  2. Scroll down to Incoming- Protection Settings menu, then click on Recipient allow list icon.
  3. From Query Rules click on New Rule +
  4. A new record will appear in the Query Rules form, and the following fields that can be filled in will appear. In the Rule drop-down list, each option fulfills a certain condition and we will explain it.
Action  Rule
Means that any email that contains the word you are going to enter will be allowlisted. You can enter a word like: info, so that any email address that contains it will be allowlisted                                                                        contains
Means that any email that does not contain the word you are going to enter will be allowlisted. You can enter a word like: info, so that any email address that does not contain it will be allowlisted  does not contain
Enter the email address whose messages you want to allowlist. e.g. [email protected] or the domain whose messages you want to allowlist all @email.com* equals
Means that any address other than this address is to be allowlisted. For example [email protected] does not equal
Enter a word that the email address starts with, such as the sender's first name. starts with
Enter a keyword ending the email address, such as the sender's last name. Ends with

Enter the email address you want to allowlist all of its messages [email protected]


Add sender to block list

If you never want to receive email from a particular sender, you can blocklist it. These messages will be rejected regardless of the message rating.

  1. Log in to your account on the Professional Spam Filter control panel.
  2. From the Incoming – Protection Settings menu, click on Sender block list icon.
  3. Click on Add block list sender, in the popup window select the sender address in the block list and enter either a single email address ([email protected]), an entire domain (example.com) or an entire TLD (*.com).
  4. Click Add button.

Add recipient to block list

  1. Log in to your account on the Professional Spam Filter control panel.
  2. Scroll down to Incoming- Protection Settings menu, then click on Recipient block list icon.
  3. From Query Rules click on New Rule +
  4. A new record will appear in the Query Rules form, and the following fields that can be filled in will appear. In the Rule drop-down list, each option fulfills a certain condition and we will explain it.
Action  Rule
Means that any email that contains the word you are going to enter will be blocklisted. You can enter a word like: info, so that any email address that contains it will be blocklisted                                                                        contains
Means that any email that does not contain the word you are going to enter will be blocklisted. You can enter a word like: info, so that any email address that does not contain it will be blocklisted  does not contain
Enter the email address whose messages you want to blocklist. e.g. [email protected] or the domain whose messages you want to blocklist all @email.com* equals
Means that any address other than this address is to be blocklisted. For example [email protected] does not equal
Enter a word that the email address starts with, such as the sender's first name. starts with
Enter a keyword ending the email address, such as the sender's last name. Ends with
Enter the email address you want to blocklist all of its messages [email protected]   matches

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Updated on July 17, 2022
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