Applying a plan to a group – Acronis


In Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, you can apply a plan to a group by selecting the group first, and then assigning a plan to it.

Alternatively, you can open a plan for editing, and then add a group to it.

To apply a plan to a group

  1. Click Devices, and then navigate to the group to which you want to apply a plan.
  2. [For non-cloud-to-cloud workloads] Click Protect group.
    A list of plans that can be applied is shown.
  3. [For cloud-to-cloud workloads] Click Group backup.
    A list of backup plans that can be applied is shown.
  4. [To apply an existing plan] Select the plan, and then click Apply.
  5. [To create a new plan] Click Create plan, select the plan type, and then create the new plan.
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Updated on July 6, 2023
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