Getting Help – How to get support

This article explains all you need to know about the Libyan Spider support ticket system.
Ticketing system is the most efficient and direct way to provide knowledgeable and personalized service and improve customer service experience. However, if you’re experiencing a highly urgent and severely disruptive issue, you can call us directly after you submit a ticket during working hours.

How do support tickets work?

You can submit support requests at any time by creating a ticket in the Libyan Spider Client Area Portal or by phone during working hours (9 AM to 5 PM, Saturday to Thursday).
Libyan Spider automated systems also create tickets for events on your account that require either your attention or a Libyan Spider employee’s attention.

Any actionable information needs to reside in a ticket because this is the Libyan Spider system of record to ensure that we fully document any issues or requests from identification to resolution.

An example of an action might be as simple as viewing a particular log file for data, such as resolving an application issue, or as complex as managing an application code release or upgrade. The ticket provides the immediate value of centralized information and communication while meeting the long-term needs of cross-referencing events for correlation or viewing historical activity or decisions that impact the application.

Submitting tickets

To create a support ticket or view existing tickets:

  • Log in to your Libyan Spider Client Area Account.
  • Click on Support > Tickets in the side navigation bar.
  • You will be redirected to My Support Tickets page, where you can view the current state of the existing tickets.
  • To create a support ticket, click Open Ticket under the Support side menu.
  • Choose your requested department.
  • After filling out the ticket with all the required information, click Submit.

Who can contact support teams?

While you might work with internal and external resources such as system integrators, content teams, and other agencies, our main contract is with you.
All requests must come from a member of your team or one of your approved contacts so we can ensure that any requested actions are in line with the details of the established support agreement.

To speed up communication and issue resolution, you can add your systems integrator or partners as approved contacts. It’s preferred to have regular communications with your entire decision-making team so that we can better understand critical road-mapping discussions for activities such as expansion, upgrades, and migrations.

You can add your approved contact (team member, system integrator or partner) from Libyan Spider Client Area
, then under Contacts click on New contact and start add the required details, including email preferences.

Ticket Guidelines

Keep the following guidelines in mind regarding ticket communication:

  • Libyan Spider support teams recognize that many enterprise social media and communication tools (such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and instant messaging) offer powerful collaboration functionality and play a role in the timely communication of critical information related to an issue, but they are not systems of record nor are they actively monitored. Using these tools for critical communication leads to the risk of inaction or missed issues.
  • If you have questions or require LS assistance, open a ticket in the Libyan Spider Client Area Portal. Using tickets ensures that communication does not get lost in email or isolated to a single individual. Instead, it’s rather supported by the team for timely resolution. If your production system is down or you are experiencing a highly urgent and severely disruptive issue, you can call us directly after you submit a ticket.
  • Your support ticket should include all the information needed for the support team to investigate and resolve the issue you are experiencing more effectively. Sharing the details prior to the issue occurring can help reduce the time to resolve and respond to your inquiry.
  • There might be instances in which you and LS need to speak instead of write. If a meeting is required, the LS Support Team Lead schedules that meeting. Depending on the meeting outcome, we might generate tickets to track items for a timely resolution.
  • The LS application monitoring system generates tickets if certain thresholds are met or issues are discovered.
  • There might be instances in which LS proactively discovers issues and opportunities and brings them to your attention, such as security issues generated by a user email account breach or inflicted website due to code deployment made by your team. The vast majority of issues that LS discovers relate to deployed code or configuration changes.
  • If you don’t respond to a ticket that requires immediate input, such as a service down, LS might reach one of your approved contacts.

Service levels

Applicable service levels depend on the services that you purchased. The following service levels might not apply.

Incident Response: Requests are categorized into three tiers:

  • Low: If your site is functioning within acceptable parameters but you require assistance in loading software or have a help desk-type question, LS responds to your request within the 8 working hours or less.
  • Medium: If your server or site is accessible but in a reduced state, such as timeouts, slow response or an issue sending/receiving emails, LS responds to your request within 4 hours or less.
  • High: If you cannot access your service from the public Internet, LS responds within 1 hour or less.
Response-time SLAService areaLevelPerformance measure descriptionService measure during working hoursService measure outside working hours
SLA 1.1IncidentPriority 1 responseWhole or critical part of the service is unusable, causing major business impact1 hour4 hours
SLA 1.2IncidentPriority 2 responseImportant but not immediately critical part of the service is unusable, causing business impact or more than five users are affected4 hours24 hours
SLA 1.3IncidentPriority 3 responseMedium impact where it’s a custom service integration, i.e. migration8 hours24 hours
SLA 1.4IncidentPriority 4 responseInconvenient issue affecting fewer than three users24 hours24 hours
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Updated on December 5, 2022
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