Git Repositories in Client Area


Git is a fast and modern implementation of version control. It not only allows you to check the history of content changes but also facilitates collaborative changes to files.
The Git repositories management options in Client Area provide you with the possibility to create as well as manage your Git repositories directly for both Windows and Linux hosting.

Create a repository – Windows Hosting

  1. Log in to the client area.
  2. In homepage, click on Cloud Services.
  3. From My Products & Services list, select the required Windows hosting service, which will direct you to the service management page.
  4. In Manage Account side menu, click on Git Repositories.
  5. Click the Create Repository icon.
    • Enter the repository name in the Name box.
    • Specify a target directory for publishing Git files on your website in Deployment Path box. By default, the httpdocs directory is used. You can change it to another existing directory by typing the directory name.
    • Select Deployment Mode:
      • Auto deployment means that all changes pushed to the Git repository will be automatically deployed to the production site.
      • Manual deployment means you will need to manually deploy files from the Git repository to your hosting.
      • None deployment means that the files will not be deployed to the production site (this can be used, for example, to store and exchange code).
    • In Actions box, specify a list of additional actions which can be carried out each time the files are deployed to the website. Use shell commands delimited by “;” symbol that should be applied with an escape character “>”.
    • Click Create to finish creating the repository.
  6. To delete the repository, click on the delete icon next to the repository name in the list.

Create a repository – Linux hosting

  1. Log in to the client area.
  2. In homepage, click on Cloud Services.
  3. From My Products & Services list, select the required Linux hosting service, which will direct you to the service management page.
  4. In Manage Account side menu, click on Git Version Control.
  5. Click the Create Repository icon. In the pop-up window:
    • Enter the path to the directory that will contain the repository in the Repository Root text box.
    • In the Repository Name text box, enter the desired display name for the repository.
    • To clone an existing repository, enable the Clone From Existing Repository option. Then, enter the clone URL for the repository that you wish to clone in the Source Repository URL text box. You can fill the Source Repository Remote Name.
    • Click Create to finish creating the repository.
  6. To delete the repository, click on the delete icon next to the repository name in the list.


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Updated on November 16, 2021
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